    According to the National Council for the Social Studies, "At the secondary level, students engage in social studies through singular, disciplinary lenses as well as interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary ones." Allow us to share with you what these disciplinary lenses offer at our three middle school grade levels. 
    Grade 7 Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations and Medieval Times
    Social Studies focuses on world culture, geography, and history from ancient civilization through the year 1700 CE. After an overview of basic geographical concepts, study continues with units on the Middle East, China, Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and Exploration. Students examine major civilizations of the past, their impact on their own historical time periods, and their contributions to the modern world. The economic, political, and social systems of pre-modern society are examined.


    Grade 8 Social Studies: United States History from Colonization through 1890

    This course focuses on the study of United States history from British colonization through 1890. In our classes, students examine the colonial era, the American Revolution, the origins of our national government, westward expansion, the Civil War, and Reconstruction.

    There are Academic and Advanced level classes in Eighth Grade. The Advanced course is designed for students who enjoy in-depth study of American history and seek rigorous, advanced-level work in the Social Studies. Students will be expected to use both primary and secondary resources to complete an extensive research project. Those who choose this course will also complete additional reading, writing, and skill-building assignments beyond those expected in the Academic social studies classes.


    Grade 9 Social Studies: United States History from 1890 through to the Present

    Our Ninth Grade curriculum continues the work begun in Grade 8. The instructional units include Industrialism and Reform, America as a World Power, The 1920's, The Great Depression and New Deal, World War II and the early Cold War, Decades of Change, the end of the Cold War, Contemporary America.

    In addition to our Academic-level course there is also an Honors course in Ninth Grade. This Honors course is designed for students who have demonstrated proficiency in social studies content and skills as well as language arts skills. Students will be expected to complete significantly more reading, informative and persuasive writing, and research projects than in the standard course. Teachers may also use materials that are more rigorous than those used in the Academic course.