• Alphabetic Phonics Instruction

    Alphabetic Phonics is a comprehensive, systematic approach to instruction in the areas of alphabet, dictionary skills, reading, and spelling. Alphabetic Phonics is based on the Orton-Gillingham method for instructing students with dyslexia and weak decoding skills. Orton, a neurologist and Gillingham, a teacher, developed this method. Alphabetic Phonics is a remedial approach to teaching the process of effective decoding and encoding to elementary age students. Teachers are able to identify areas of difficulty and gaps in students learning. Three teaching methods are integral to the Alphabetic Phonics instructional program:

    • Multisensory techniques - presenting information visually, auditorally, and kinesthetically
    • Guided discovery learning - teacher presentations combined with a series of carefully structured questions to actively involve students in the learning process
    • Daily introduction of concepts, daily review of concepts learned and daily opportunity for practice of skill application to ensure mastery

    These three teaching methods enable students to master and retain all presented material. Skills and concepts are introduced in ascending levels of complexity allowing students to experience success while developing proficiency. The goal of Alphabetic Phonics instruction is to promote confident, accurate readers.

    The Alphabetic Phonics Program is divided into four areas:

    • Alphabetic and Dictionary Skills
    • Reading
    • Phonemic Awareness
    • Spelling

    While these four areas comprise the core of the Alphabetic Phonics instructional program, each teacher individualizes the program according to the level, age and instructional needs of the students participating in the program.

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