library couch area new furniture
  • Jennifer Wasserman, Library Media Specialist

    Contact: jwasserman@cbsd.org

    Kristen Kraus, Library Media Specialist 

      Rebecca Boquist, Library Assistant 

     Welcome to the Barclay Library!  Our sunny, inviting space lends itself beautifully to both researchers and to those looking for pleasure reading books.  Thanks to the generosity of our 有料盒子 & School, we now have bright, beautiful flexible seating options that can be used for small group and individual research and pleasure reading. Many wonderful activities are happening in the library this year including cooperative research projects, a visit from a published author and/or illustrator and student assessments.  

    Students bring their laptops and iPads to use for research or searching our Internet-based card catalog for books.  The library collection includes over 13,500 books, and a variety of other materials chosen to promote research and the pure enjoyment of reading.

    We also have access to important online resources, including World Book Online, Pebble Go, Freedom Flix and Pebble Go Next.  All are accessible from home--please see Mrs. Wasserman for the usernames and passwords.  Through a connection with the public libraries, we also offer access to POWER KIDS.  This database includes BookFlix and Kids Infobits, among other resources.

    Below is quick access to the library catalog!