Chapter Executive Team
Well-qualified and dependable officers are crucial to the growth of any FBLA chapter. Effective leaders will:
- Provide an environment where all members will grow professionally
- Include all members in a dynamic program of work
- Conduct the business of the chapter in proper parliamentary procedure
- Maintain current and complete records and minutes
- Encourage individual and chapter participation
President: Matthew M
- Preside over and conduct meetings according to accepted parliamentary law.
- Keep members and discussion on track.
- Appoints committees and serves as an ex-officio member to each.
- Coordinates chapter activities by maintaining communication with other officers, membership and advisor.
- Plans meeting programs with the assistance of the Executive team.
- Encourages participation of all members in an enthusiastic manner.
Vice Presidents: Stephen D and Rayan T
- Assist the president in the discharge of duties; presides at meetings in the absence of the president(s)
- Oversees all committee work and management of assignments
- Services as community service chairperson
- Serves as an ex-officio member of chapter committees
- Encourages participation by all members in an enthusiasic manner.
Secretaries: Rong X
- Prepare and read the minutes of meetings.
- Provide the president with a written agenda for each meeting.
- Counts and records votes when taken.
- Prepares chapter reports.
- Attends to official correspondence.
- Sends out meeting notices.
- Reads communications at all meetings.
Treasurer: Dylan A
- Works with advisor in depositing funds in the Student Activities Account and preparing documents for disbursement of funds.
- Keeps financial records in Excel.
- Oversees fundraising activities.
- Tracks and deposits money collected from fundraisers and other activities.
Historian/Social Media: Ayva M
- Maintains an accurate and up-to-date record of chapter activities.
- Drafts press releases on chapter activities, for possible publication in building (East Side Story), district, regional, state or national media.
- Reports on chapter activities through appropriate and approved social media channels.