Phone: (267)893-2546


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Music Education - Elizabethtown College Master of Music Education, Peacebuilding Focus - Elizabethtown College (In-Progress)

Ms. Abigail Marchione

CB West Choirs - 

For specific information about choral music at West,

please visit: Ms. Marchione's Teacher Website

Phone: 267-893-2547


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Music Education, University of Delaware Minor in Jazz Studies, University of Delaware Master's of Education, Gratz College

Mr. Neil Delson

CB West Bands - 

For more specific information about the Band program at West

please visit:  Mr. Delson's Teacher Website

Phone: 267-893-2595


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Music in Music Education, Temple University Bachelor of Music in Violin Performance, Temple University Master of Music in Violin Performance, Temple University

Mrs. Jessica Tosti

CB West Orchestra -

For specific information about Orchestra at West, please visit: Mrs. Tosti's Teacher Site