• Car Line Procedures:

    From 7:00 - 7:30 am and 2:30 - 3:00 pm, traffic in and out of Lenape is ONE WAY. All traffic must enter from W. STATE STREET (202) and exit on to WEST STREET (back of building).


    Car Riders:

    Any student who arrives PRIOR TO 7:25 am by car will enter through the Gym or Cafeteria doors.

    • Please use the “roller coaster” approach to dropping off to ensure that we have as many cars emptying at one time as possible.
    • Pull up as far as possible. Once your car comes to a stop, students should disembark in the highlighted drop-off/pick up zone (see map below) and should enter through the Gym or Cafeteria doors (whichever is closest).
    • Cars must then exit on to West Street. PLEASE NO U-TURNS through the parking areas. Be aware of ONE-WAY SIGNS.
    • For the students' safety, do not use the church or medical building parking lots for drop off.
    • Please do not drive through bus lanes that run parallel to West State Street (RT. 202).


    Traffic is heavy on Route 202 in the morning due to the bus and car-line traffic. We suggest that you arrive no later than 7:15 am to ensure that your student arrives on time. After 7:25 am, please enter the school though the Main Office. Students must be in first period by 7:30 in order to avoid being marked late.

    Drop Off Map