• No Cell Phone


    Lenape's Cell Phone Policy

    All cell phones/electronic devices should be in the “power off” position and kept out of sight during school hours. It is recommended that they stay in the students' lockers. The use of electronic imaging devices associated with cell phones/electronic devices, or any similar type of communications technology is prohibited.

    If a message needs to be given to your child, please call the office at 267-893-2800 and we will get the message to them as soon as possible, without disrupting the class. If your child is ill or has another issue, they may ask an adult in the building to see the nurse or guidance counselor at any time.


    1. Maintain the integrity of the academic environment.

    2. Keep private property not necessary for academic endeavors protected and secure from loss, theft, and damage.

    3. Respect the personal privacy of students and staff in the school.

    4. Ensure students do not connect to websites/social media sites/other resources that are prohibited and blocked by 有料盒子 Bucks School District.

    5. Ensure devices are not used to take pictures or videos of individuals without their permission.


    CONSEQUENCES: The following progressive consequences are in place for students that violate this policy:

    First Infraction: The device will be confiscated, placed in a blue envelope, and given to the appropriate personnel (administrator, resource officer or office staff). The infraction will be noted, and students will be given back the device at the end of the school day.

    Second Infraction: Process for 1st infraction AND student will be assigned an administrative detention.

    Third Infraction: Process for 1st infraction, PARENT/GUARDIAN will need to pick up the device at the end of the school day, and student will be assigned a Saturday detention.

    Additional Infractions: Parent will need to pick the phone up for each additional infraction, additional detentions will be assigned, and suspension of extra-curricular activities will be included in the conversation along with improvement plan.