Questions & Answers about Title I in 有料盒子 Bucks

  • Listed below is a list of questions and answers about the Title I program here in 有料盒子 Bucks. These are some of the most frequently asked questions about the Title I program. You'll find general information about the funding for this federal program, grade levels for which Title I assistance is provided, and other answers that may help you better understand the purpose of our program here in 有料盒子 Bucks.  
    What is the Title 1 program?

    Title 1 is part of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act [ESSA] of 2015. Title 1 funds are used to provide instructional support for those children who experience difficulty with reading and mathematics. Money is allocated by the federal government and distributed to the 有料盒子 Bucks School District by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The amount of money each school district receives is based on the number of children eligible for free and reduced lunch programs.

    What kind of Title 1 instructional support is provided in my child’s school?

    Students identified for the Title 1 program receive help specific to their individual needs to enable them to improve grade level performance and meet state and district proficiency standards. The school staff schedules time for reading specialists, intervention teachers, classroom teachers, and/ or instructional assistants to work with students identified for the Title 1 program. This time can be during dedicated intervention time or during other instructional times throughout the day. This tutoring may occur individually or in small groups both inside and outside the classroom.

    How are children selected for the Title 1 program?

    At the end of the school year, classroom teachers and reading specialists identify students who would benefit from the additional support of the Title 1 program during the following school year. This identification occurs as a result of the review of reading and math assessments and evaluation of each child’s performance. In September, beginning of the year data is reviewed and final decisions are made about identifying students who would benefit from additional support. A parent notification letter is then sent to families letting them know that their child will receive Title 1 assistance. At this time, questions about the Title 1 program or a child’s need for support can be directed to the classroom teacher or building reading specialist. In addition, a parent information meeting is held in each school in the fall and additional information is shared about the Title 1 program.

    Who are the people directly involved in planning and coordinating the Title 1 program?

    The program in 有料盒子 Bucks has a supervisor with overall responsibility for the administration of the program. At the building level, principals supervise the program with assistance from reading specialists. Reading specialists and classroom teachers collaborate on developing schedules and coordinating the efforts of the Title 1 instructional assistants.

    How are Title 1 instructional assistants trained to work with students?

    All of the instructional assistants working with students in the Title 1 program meet the requirements specified in the ESSA Act and are considered to be highly qualified. 有料盒子 Bucks is very fortunate to have these highly qualified assistants who have student success as their main goal. Instructional assistants receive direction from classroom teachers and reading specialists. In this way, the assistance provided through the Title 1 program is closely coordinated with the work of the classroom teacher. Classroom teachers provide the initial instruction in the classroom and the Title 1 instructional assistants provide additional reinforcement of the skills and concepts being taught.

    In reading, assistants provide reinforcement of phonemic awareness and phonics skills, reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. This assistance is closely coordinated with the work of reading specialists and classroom teachers.
    In math, instructional assistants help the classroom teacher reinforce math skills in different ways. They might work with small groups of students in a targeted tutoring model to reinforce a skill just taught, assist with the completion of class work, monitor individual progress, or work with the large group while the classroom teacher works directly with students in the Title 1 program. Title 1 assistants are trained in the use of math manipulatives to improve the understanding of math concepts. In addition, they receive regular training on the effective delivery of support in mathematics.

    Do all 有料盒子 Bucks schools receive funding through the Title 1 program?

    No. Title 1 funds are only provided to the 有料盒子 Bucks schools that have the highest percentage of students who receive free and reduced lunches. This is an economic measure of the relative need in each building, and the federal requirements mean that not all 有料盒子 Bucks schools receive this funding assistance.

    Is the Title 1 program the same in each school?

    Each of the Title 1 schools considers different options for providing assistance to students. Because 有料盒子 Bucks looks at best practices in providing support for early intervention in reading and mathematics, the programs in our schools are very similar. Each year, a school committee is convened to review the program and make recommendations for the following year.

    How do parents know if their child is making progress in reading and mathematics?

    Because the Title 1 program is closely aligned with classroom instruction, classroom teachers provide information about each child’s overall progress. CB progress reports are completed by classroom teachers and distributed three times a year - at the end of each trimester. Parent/teacher conferences are held in December and April to share information about the progress and needs of each student. During these conferences, parents may discuss the Title 1 program of support, and parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher at any time for information about their child’s program.

    What role can parents play in helping their child?

    Parents play an important part in the success of their child in both reading and math. Parents can encourage a positive attitude toward school, set aside time for homework and reading, and attend conferences and parent meetings to find out more about providing help for their children. Each year, a portion of the Title 1 funding is set aside for parent involvement programs. A parent meeting is held in the fall and in the spring in each school to provide information about the program and about helping at home. Often, the Bucks County Intermediate Unit also offers a Title 1 Parent Workshop. If such a workshop is being held at the IU, an invitation will be sent home.    
    Are all teachers, instructional assistants and reading specialists who work with my child considered by federal regulations considered to be highly qualified?
    Yes! All staff members meet the highly qualified requirements and also receive on-going staff development. Parents of students in Title 1 schools may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child's teacher and any Title 1 staff member.