• The links below provide helpful information for parents. 
    • Research Resources from the CB Library Page includes World Book Encyclopedia, Lands and Peoples database, Noodle Tools for bibliographies, Atomic Learning technology tutorials and many other resources.
    • offers summer reading programs, book lists, Tumble Books online, and various other activities and suggestions for parents and students.
    • offers a wealth of reading resources for parents.
    • offers a wealth of information for parents, including reading tips, book suggestions, and free printable worksheets and activities.
    • provides fun educational games.
    • features videos with famous people reading children’s books aloud. Each book includes accompanying activities.
    • offers recommendations for children’s book titles organized by age. Books are summarized and there are connections to similar books or other books by the same author.
    • is where parents can select book titles by interest or age level. Books are summarized and reviewed. Young readers can also write their own reviews of their favorite books.