This page will be updated throughout the application, selection, & notification process.

    Please continue to check for updates.


    What exactly is NHS?

    Excellent question!  National Honor Society is a nationwide service organization.  It is not Honor Roll.  All students who received a letter of eligibility are already Honor Roll students at CB South.  National Honor Society is a national organization which has a mission of promoting involvement in school and community service through its membership. Every student inducted into the National Honor Society will be expected to complete a minimum of 20 hours of community and school service each year through our chapter's programs.  Furthermore, there are mandatory fundraisers our chapter members run that are in addition to the twenty hours of service.  NHS is a rewarding organization, but it is important to know that it is also a considerable time commitment.  Please carefully consider whether your schedule permits you to participate in our chapter events.

    For additional information about NHS membership, please click on "Becoming a Member" & "Information About NHS" on the left side of this webage.  


    Students who received an email from Mrs. Barrett informing you that you are eligible to apply for selection to the C.B. South chapter of the National Honor Society, please read this page in its entirety. This letter was delivered to all juniors and seniors in early July who possess the minimum required GPA of a 3.7. 

    Bear in mind that having the appropriate GPA is only the first of FOUR requirements for membership. If you want to be considered for membership, your application must show proof of these additional NHS criteria: 

    1. SERVICE to both school & community

    Seniors who were inducted their junior year and maintained their membership do not need to reapply.  


    What happens now?

    If you received an email that you are eligible to apply for membership AND you are interested in doing so, you should immediately download the application & evaluation forms below and begin getting your necessary forms completed RIGHT AWAY!  

    Out of respect for your advisers, coaches, and employers, you should give them ample time to complete the forms and return them to you.  Do not have the forms sent to the school or the NHS advisers. You must arrange to pick up each of the sealed* forms because they will need to be included in the submission envelope, along with your application. Do not wait until the last minute, because if forms come back after the deadline, they will not be accepted.

    *To ensure privacy, students are not permitted to read adult verification forms.  They must be submitted in your application packet in signed and sealed envelopes.


    Applicants may pick up a 9"x12" submission envelope for the application packet in Mrs. Barrett’s office ~ 1st floor House Office.


    When are the applications due?

    For 2024 applicants, the completed applications + associated evaluation forms are due by 3PM on Friday, September 13, 2024 in Mrs. Barrett’s office.   NOTE:  There are different applications for juniors and seniors.  Please download the correct forms below.


    Applicants should review all the information on this page prior to contacting Mrs. Barrett with any questions. Additionally, there will be a mandatory meeting about the application on September 6th during Titan Forum.  The meeting will be in the Auditorium.   

    Students who still have questions should go see Mrs. Barrett in person anytime during Lunch and Learn prior to September 13th.  


    Here's what you need; click each link to open & print:



    Senior NHS Application

    Section I: In-School Service Evaluation Form

    Section II: Leadership Evaluation Form

    Section III: 
    Community Service Evaluation Form


    Key Club Evaluation Form


    Character Essay
    (only if needed; see #10 below)




    Junior NHS Application

    Section I: In-School Service Evaluation Form

    Section II:Leadership Evaluation Form

    Section III: 
    Community Service Evaluation Form


    Key Club Evaluation Form

    Character Essay
    (only if needed; see #10 below)



    1. I am a member of Key Club. Can I count those activities towards my service hours?

    You have a choice. You can count Key Club under Section 1 - Service to School, OR you may count your service hours towards Section 3 - Service to Community. Where do you need the credit? You may not "double-dip" and use the same activity under two sections. Be sure to use the Key Club Evaluation Form (instead of the usual School or Community Service Forms) and include it with your completed application.


    1. I participate in lots of activities for my sports booster/parent club. Can I count these as service hours?

    Many sports teams expect their athletes to participate in one or more parent club activities. Many times, the fundraisers and activities benefit your team. As a result, you may not count the hours spent on parent club activities toward Service to Community. The Committee considers this "double-dipping". You are already getting credit under Section 1 - Service to School for the team membership. You cannot get double credit by counting these activities under Section 3 - Service to Community as well, especially when the "community" that is being served is your own sports team. (See #12 for a definition of Service to Community.)


    1. I participated in the Relay for Life in 9th grade. Can I count the full 24 hours I was at the track?

    No, you may not include ANY activity that was completed while you were a 9th grade student. You may only count activities completed after the conclusion of your 9th grade year. However, if you participated in Relay 4 Life as a sophomore or junior at CB South, you may count the time spent gathering donations, and actually walking/running around the track. For most students this comes to two hours. You may not count 24 hours for Service to Community.


    1. I participated in a 5K for charity. Can I count that towards Community Service? 

    No, many 5K's, walks, & marathons require participants to pay a registration fee.  The NHS does not believe any member or prospective member should have to pay money to acquire community service hours.  However, if you helped out on race day, that could be an appropriate community service activity.


    1. What exactly is "Service to School"/"In-School Service Activities"?

     'Service to school', or 'In-School Service Activities' are when you participate in activities or act in a capacity that is for the benefit of your school.  For example, student athletes wear a CBS uniform and engage in competition with other schools.  They serve their school in competition.  Students who participate in Southside, or Mock Trial, or many of South’s other extracurricular activities are also representing and serving their school.  Even clubs like Titans Connect and Titans for Inclusion and Equity are clubs that promote service projects in and out of school.  HOWEVER, clubs like Ski Club are gatherings of students with similar interests, but they do not engage in activities that represent or serve their school.  If you have any questions about whether an extracurricular activity is appropriate for Section I: In-School Service, please see Mrs. Barrett.


    1. Can I count my Choir/Concert Band/Orchestra class for Section I - In-School Service?

    Any class you take for CB South academic credit may not be counted as service to school. Even the hours after school and the concerts are requirements.  If you have any questions, please discuss them with your teacher or a NHS adviser before listing them on your application.


    1. What does the Committee consider as 'Leadership'?

    Most importantly, leadership must be appointed or elected. Many of you possess "leadership skills"; that is not disputed. However, in order to apply the same criteria to all applicants fairly and consistently, the CB South chapter requires a more tangible demonstration of leadership. Many students have leadership roles in student government, sports, scouting, religious organizations, and at places of employment. Making an ongoing commitment to teaching Sunday School, coaching Little League, or being a Camp Counselor have been considered leadership roles by the Council in the past. See Section II of the Application for more examples.  If your leadership position is questionable, see a NHS adviser for advice.


    1. What if I can't get one of my Activity Evaluation forms back before the application deadline?

    The deadline is set in stone. Any form not received by 3PM on the due date will not be considered. Considering eligibility letters were sent home in early July, nearly three months should be enough time to adequately complete the application and procure all documentation.


    1. What if I'm absent the day the application is due?

    The deadline is set in stone. Absent or not, the application is due by 3PM on the due date. Letters are sent out early enough to provide you with almost 3 months to get all of your forms collected and the application completed.  Perhaps not waiting until the last minute to turn in your application will eliminate the worry of missing the due date.


    1. How does the Faculty Council determine whether I meet the requirement for "good character"?

    Good character is one of the four tenets of National Honor Society members. The Council gauges this by checking the discipline record of each applicant. Any record of cheating, plagiarism, intentional dishonesty, suspensions, violations of school rules and policies during the previous school year would disqualify a student from membership in NHS. This applies to criminal & civil offenses in the community as well. Additionally, any dishonesty in completing this application would disqualify a student from membership.  However, if the infraction took place during your sophomore year, and now you are a senior, the Faculty Selection Council will consider your application as long as you include the CHARACTER ESSAY in your application packet.  Students who have not had a discipline referral or character infraction do not need to complete this essay.


    1. Can I get my parents, or a relative, to write a letter verifying leadership or community service?

    Because of the obvious conflict of interest, unfortunately the Council cannot consider activities that are only verified by parents and/or relatives. Usually, an outside person can still be asked to verify your participation. It is rare that there is no one else affiliated with an activity that would necessitate a family member writing the letter. If you encounter this situation, see Mrs. Barrett for suggestions.


    1. How does the Council define "Service to Community"?

    Service to Community is seen as volunteering in meaningful activities that serve the needs of the general community. The general community is seen as existing beyond family and school, and represents not-for-profit organizations. For example, a student who volunteers to address envelopes at a realtor's office, or does non-compensated work for a business, is not serving the needs of the larger community, but benefiting a group of for-profit individuals. There are many not-for-profit organizations in the 有料盒子 Bucks community that would benefit greatly from having our students volunteer to help them. Of course, any activity for which you receive compensation will not be considered under this section.


    1. I cleaned out my closets and/or cupboards and donated the contents to a charitable organization/food bank. Can this count as 'Service to Community'?

    The Faculty Selection Council believes that community service should be an ongoing, participatory activity. Donating clothes, toys, or food is a charitable activity, but does not fit the description of ongoing, participatory involvement. 


    1. I just joined a new club this year. Can I count it under Section 1 - In-School Service?

    Unless you have already participated in activities with this club by the time of the application due date, the Council will not consider clubs that you have just joined; or clubs or sports that you intend to join this year. Likewise, if you have been newly appointed the leader of a club or sports team, unless you have actually served in that position prior to the application due date, the Council cannot consider that leadership position until the following year.


    1. As a junior, I don't think I meet all the requirements for membership this year. Can I reapply next year?

    As long as your GPA remains a 3.7 or above, you will be invited to apply again as a senior. Every year the NHS inducts both juniors and seniors in the fall. The advantage to waiting until your senior year is that you can spend your junior year working on whatever area you need to enhance.


    1. What about babysitting or lifeguarding? Can I count those as leadership or service to community?

    The Faculty Selection Council does not consider babysitting or lifeguarding to be appropriate leadership or community service activities.


    1. How has the Covid-19 pandemic impacted the NHS process for this year's applicants?

    Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the NHS Faculty Councils and Principals at all three 有料盒子 high schools have agreed to reduce the number of community service hours for both Junior and Senior applicants.  In 2021, Juniors will be expected to have performed 5 community service hours since the end of 9th grade, and Seniors will be expected to have performed 10 community service hours since the end of 9th grade.


    1. To whom can I direct any questions about the application? I would like advice on completing it.

    Mrs. Barrett is the adviser of the South chapter of NHS. She acts as a liaison between the prospective members and the Faculty Selection Council. She does not choose the members but knows what the Council is looking for. It is in your best interest to direct any questions to her. You should even have her look over your application before you submit it as she can offer helpful tips and advice. Mrs. Barrett is one of the School Counselors and you can find her in the first floor House Office, C119.  Or you can send her an email at tbarrett@cbsd.org.


    1. Any other advice you can give me?

    It is recommended that students be responsible for all communication with their teachers, coaches, and the NHS advisers regarding their application.  Your parents are not joining the NHS - you are!  Since LEADERSHIP is a pillar of the NHS, students are recommended to take the initiative in all correspondences regarding the application, selection, and reconsideration process.


    1. If I don't get selected for membership in the NHS, how I can learn more about the Faculty Council's decision?

    Mrs. Barrett is present while the Faculty Council selects the members to the NHS.  As such, she is the best person to explain the Council's decision process in your specific case.  Please contact Mrs. Barrett to make an appointment to go over your application and discuss your options going forward.  For more information about the CB South NHS reconsideration policy, please click the link to our 'Becoming a Member' webpage and scroll down to the Reconsideration Policy: CB South’s NHS Reconsideration Policy