• PTO Activities and Programs

    Below are brief descriptions of various events that are sponsored and run by the PTO.  Each event has a budget to cover expenses.  Chairpersons are needed to lead each of these activities.  Volunteers are also needed to support the Chairperson.  Please take a look and see which activities interest you the most and then contact the PTO (BuckinghamPTO@yahoo.com) if you are interested in chairing an event, OR head to the PTO Sign Up Genius for current volunteer opportunities by clicking . 

    Art Expo

    A collection of our students’ best artwork is displayed throughout the school’s hallways for two weeks in the spring.  Help setting up, taking down, and preparing light refreshments for opening night is needed.

    Back to School Teacher Luncheon

    To welcome our teachers back to school as they set up classrooms and prepare for our students’ arrival, we like to provide a luncheon for them the week prior to the start of school.  Help is needed to plan, purchase, and set up the food.

    Book Fairs (Fall and Spring)

    This committee needs to advertise, decorate (Scholastic provides the theme), organize teacher wish lists, recruit volunteers, set up, and clean up for this event.  It is a one week-long event, with classes visiting each day and 1-2 family nights with evening hours.

    Box Tops for Education

    Throughout the year Box Tops are collected, sorted, tallied, and mailed.  The students love friendly competitions that offer prizes.  Competitions can occur as many as three times a year to encourage participation.

    Bus Driver Breakfast

    At the end of the school year, the PTO provides a lovely casual breakfast for the bus drivers to say thank you.  Help is needed to plan the menu, decorate the tables, and solicit volunteers to donate food items. 

    Buckingham Fun Fest

    A fun-filled community event, held on a Saturday in the Fall.  Games, prizes, food, and friends are the theme of the day.  Teachers, students, families, and friends come together to enjoy the day.  Help is needed to plan, organize, set up, and take down the event.  Lots of volunteers are needed to run games during the day. 

    Family Bingo Nights

    A fun-filled evening of Bingo for the whole family.  Help is needed to plan the event plus organize volunteers (Bingo callers, refreshment tables, card sellers, set-up and clean-up) for the evening. 

    Sweetheart Dance

    An evening or weekend event in the winter to celebrate the special relationship between parents and their children.  Help is needed to plan the event, and then recruit volunteers.

    Field Day

    Near the end of the school year the students get to visit various stations that are set up with games and activities outside.  The day ends with a huge tug-o-war competition.  Volunteers are needed to help run the stations.

    General PTO Meetings

    Held three times each school year, this is a great way to find out about important news and upcoming events at school.  Learn how the students and faculty/staff benefit from the work of the PTO, and have a voice in the activities and programs that the PTO supports.  All parents/guardians are encouraged to attend.


    Every other year the Happenings program offers a variety of after school classes for students to enjoy.  Students can register prior to winter break and classes run for 6-8 weeks beginning in January.  Some examples include: sports, sewing, cooking, lotion making, art, computer web-design, science, games, the list goes on.  Help is needed to oversee the recruitment of volunteers to teach the various classes, as well as advertisement, money collection, and scheduling.

    Kids Vote USA

    During a presidential election year, this committee works to set up a mock voting station for the students of Buckingham Elementary.  Voting takes place the day before the General Election Day.  Votes are tallied and results are announced.  A two-person team can handle the planning and execution of this event.

    Library Help

    Throughout the year the library is in need of volunteers to help shelve books.  Please contact the school Librarian to volunteer.

    MVP Event

    An evening or weekend event in the winter to celebrate the special relationship between parents and their children.  Help is needed to plan the event and then recruit volunteers.

    Parent-Teacher Conference Dinner

    During Parent Teacher Conferences in December, a dinner is provided for the teachers and staff.  Help is needed to plan the menu and decorations, set-up, serve, and clean-up.  This is a great way to show our appreciation to our amazing teachers on a day that is very long for them.

    Science Fair

    Students bring in science experiments to display for two days in the spring.  Help is needed to publicize the event, recruit volunteers, set up and clean up the event.

    Secret Shoppe

    This event allows students to shop for family and friends for the holidays.  The shop is open on a Friday evening and a Saturday morning in early December.  Help is needed to make purchases, identify vendors, organize items, set up wrapping station, and oversee cashiers. 

    Silver Graphics

    Students create a special piece of artwork during art class that can then be imprinted on various items for purchase.  Help is needed to collect, track, and deliver orders.

    Spirit Wear

    School t-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, and other items can be purchased online and mailed directly to your home.  Help is needed to answer questions, publicize, and coordinate as needed with the company.

    Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

    This event coincides with Teacher Appreciation Week, usually in May.  Parents volunteer to make and serve food for the entire staff.  Help is needed to plan the theme and menu as well as recruit volunteers, set up and clean up. 

    Veterans Day Reception

    In November we welcome our Veterans to join us for a special ceremony and assembly which is then followed by a reception with refreshments.  Help is needed to donate food items for the event.


    The Yearbook Committee takes off as soon as possible to capture photos of the school year.  Starting in October and going through April the committee works with 6th grade students 2-4 times a month to work on the yearbook.  Help is needed to take, cut, and paste pictures of school events:  Halloween, Field Day, concerts, parties, etc.  The chairperson will work directly with the yearbook company, mostly online, to arrange each class portrait page.  The committee works to publicize the yearbook sale and distribute once they arrive.