• Students visit the library weekly for 40 minutes of library and information skills instruction.
    • During this visit, students in grades 1-6 may check out two books for one week at the start of the year (this may change as the year progresses).
    • Kindergarten students may check out one book per week following 20 minutes of story time.

    Return policies:

    • Our automated system will send email reminders when books are overdue.
    • Students must return or renew their books to check out new books.
    • If a book is lost or damaged, a library fine will be assessed to replace the book.
    • In the case of a lost book, books that are found and returned within 30 days of payment will have the fee refunded. After 30 days, the funds will be used to purchase a replacement copy of the book and cannot be refunded. The library purchases library bound books and cannot accept replacement books for that reason.
    • Replacement fees can be provided to the library via cash or a check payable to Pine Run Elementary School.

    I hope to make your child’s library experience at Pine Run

    enjoyable and appreciate your support!