• Please continue to refer to this site for program planning updates where you will find documents and tools that will assist with course registration for next school year.

    INSTRUCTIONS for Accessing Verification Sheets for Current 9th Grade Students:

    • Login to either the parent or student portal ()
    • Click on “More” option
    • Click “Backpack”
    • Click the “+” next to the folder “MS Course Verification” or “HS Course Verification”
    • The report will generate a PDF document
    • IMPORTANT: Please check the box at the top of the document, acknowledging that you have viewed your child’s Verification Sheet. This does not mean that changes can’t still be made. Changes can be made by contacting your child’s counselor by April 27th.
    PowerPoint for Students: Program Planning PowerPoint
    Inputting Courses via the Student Portal---VIDEO:

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