• Tamanend Middle School

    Procedures at a Glance


    Tamanend School Day

    The Tamanend School Day starts at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m. For supervision and safety reasons, students may not arrive to Tamanend before 7:10 a.m. and must leave the Tamanend campus by 3 p.m. unless they are a part of a school sponsored/supervised event.


    TO REPORT AN ABSENCE, please report the absence online through Parent Portal (see below) or leave a message on the 24-hour Tamanend Attendance Hotline- (267)893-2920. Please include your student's name, grade, date of absence, and reason. For an absence to be Medically Excused, you must submit a note from the physician's office. 

    Online Absence Request

    Appointments During The School Day

    If your child has an appointment during the school day, please enter it in the Parent Portal. Your child will be called down to the office when you arrive. For safety reasons, parents must come into the school (photo ID required) to sign out and escort their child. For the missed time to be Medically Excused, please have your student bring in a physician's note when they return.

    Assignment Book

    Every student will receive an assignment book.  Lost assignment books can be replaced at the cost of $5 in the Main Office.  Teachers also post homework assignments, quizzes, tests, and projects on Canvas.  Click here to set up a parent Canvas account. 

    Book Bags

    Students may NOT carry bookbags with them during the school day.  All students will be assigned a locker should leave book bags and coats in their locker. 

    Cell Phones/Personal Electronic Communication Devices

    Personal electronic devices must be powered down and out of sight during the school day.  If internet access is necessary, students must use the 有料盒子 student Wi-Fi access which is protected for your student’s safety and appropriate use of internet connectivity. To learn more about our cell phone practices and procedures .

    Parent Portal

    The allows parents/guardians to check student progress on a regular basis. We encourage all parents/guardians to log in and check the Parent Portal on a weekly basis. Parents have access to current grades, attendance, and more. If you do not have internet access please call the guidance office at 267-893-2910.


    Teachers post homework assignments, quizzes, tests, and projects on Canvas.  Click here to set up a parent Canvas account. 

    Contacting Teachers

    Each teacher can be contacted by voicemail or email.  The quickest way to communicate with a teacher, even if you would like a telephone response, is by email.  Email messages should be answered within 24 hours.  Voicemail messages should be answered in 24 to 48 hours.

    Family Travel

    As per CB School policy 231, two occurrences for family travel per school year will be excused, and the total number of days missed must not exceed 5 days.  Days exceeding these guidelines are considered unlawful and/or unexcused.  The Approved Absence Request Form is to be used.  Parents must notify the office in writing at least three days prior to the absence for family travel so the student can obtain schoolwork that will be missed.  All work missed must be made up by the student.  The assistant principal must approve all absences for family travel.

    For Ninth Grade Parents/Guardians

    The 2025 Freshman Celebration and 2025 Freshman Day are tentatively slated for June 6th and 10th, respectively.  These events are only for currently enrolled ninth grade Tamanend students as they are a special time set aside for our 9th graders to enjoy a final remembrance of their middle school years.  You will notice, it is called the “Freshman Celebration” and not the “Freshman Prom.”  While our Freshman Celebration is truly special, there is plenty of time in our students' lives for prom dresses, tuxedos, limos, and fancy proposals for dates. Whether students arrive at the dance in groups, by themselves, or in pairs, they all experience a wonderful time.  Please remind your child of this fact when discussion of the Freshman Celebration begins.

    School Dances & Other After School 有料盒子

    Tamanend dances and other special student events are for currently enrolled and attending Tamanend students ONLY.  Bringing or inviting “guests” to any of our school dances at Tamanend is prohibited.  Students need to show their current Tamanend Middle School I.D. as part of admittance.  In order to participate in any after-school event, including dances, a student must have arrived to school no later than 10:30 a.m. on that day.


    The support and assistance of our parents in helping to make the middle school experience meaningful, productive, and safe is recognized and appreciated.