• A picture containing logoDescription automatically generated    Back to School Night   A picture containing logoDescription automatically generated

    4th Grade




                  I believe communication between teacher, student, and parent is the key to a successful year.  To meet this goal, there are some things you can count on from me to help keep you informed.  Each day, a folder is sent home containing student work and school papers from the office.    

    Please feel free to contact me at school with a note, e-mail (JIsaacsohn@cbsd.org), or phone message (267-893-4350 ext.4389) whenever you feel it is necessary. If you need to pick up your child early from school or his/her transportation is changed for the day, please either email (preferred) send in a note, or call the office.



    Reading/Language Arts /Writing

            This year we will be using an integrated literacy approach.  Lessons will be provided through whole group, small group, and individual instruction. To enhance the language arts curriculum, 有料盒子 Bucks has adopted the My View program.  This comprehensive, interactive program utilizes a balanced approach to reading, writing, speaking and listening; and allows the students to practice reading, writing, spelling and grammar skills often. During the year, students will be involved in reading various genres of books while also writing informative, opinion, personal narrative, and creative pieces.


    Independent Reading

              Research has recommended that children spend more time reading high interest literature and whole books. We will use whole (trade) books, which may be read by the entire class, or in a small group setting.  Students will be reading, discussing, and practicing skills in both homogeneous and heterogeneous groups. Each day, students are required to have a self-chosen book that is at their reading level.  This will be read during SSR time.  In addition, students will be asked to read AT LEAST 20 minutes a night at home and that you sign your initials.




    Math classes use the Math in Focus: Singapore Math program to deliver the curriculum. This program is new and helps students learn the language of math. Through hands-on learning, visualization, and pictorial representations students’ understanding and confidence in math will grow throughout the school year.




              Science Companion is an inquiry-based program that encourages students to “enhance their powers of inquiry, observation, and reflection.”  Units to be studied include the Matter, Electrical Circuits and Watery Earth


    Social Studies

              An interactive Social Studies program will be utilized this year.  SS Alive provides an interactive approach to learning Social Studies. Additionally, the kids will be participating in various in class projects which complement this engaging curriculum. The main topics to be covered this year are the regions of the United States.