FID Video script

  • Hello CB families.  My name is Nadine Garvin, your assistant superintendent for elementary education.  Tonight, I wanted to take just a few minutes to explain what flexible instructional days or what we call FIDs are and how we will be implementing them this year as needed for our elementary students.  Flexible instructional days are days when school buildings are closed due to weather or other emergencies, but learning still continue.  Using an FID allows us to avoid extending the school year or disrupting the instructional calendar. These days provide an opportunity for our students to practice their skills and become more independent learners.  Here are some key points to remember about flexible instructional days FIDs will be announced through the same channels as regular school closures, such as phone calls, text messages, emails, the district website and social media 有料盒子 Bucks will only use a flexible instructional day after the second snow or emergency day is used across the district.  This is indicated on the school calendar.  We will only use the flexible instructional day plan if the whole district is closed, not if there is a closing in just one school understand that flexible instructional days may pose somechallenges for families, especially those with young children or multiple students.  That is why we made the process the same for grades K to six across all  elementary schools Tonight, you will receive a blue drawstring bag with your child's name on it, inside will be Books one and two for the first two flexible instructional days of the year.  We ask that you keep this in a designated space in your home where if and when an FID day is announced, you know exactly where to find it Don't worry, We will also have the FID books available for you online to print at home should your bag get misplaced.  The flexible instructional day is made up of three parts.  One, taking attendance.  This will be done through an online canvas.  One question quiz two, completing the workbook for the flexible instructional day, and three, accessing an optional live office hours teams call with your child's teacher if assistance is needed.  All of this information is outlined in the opening pages of the workbook and on our district Flexible Instructional Day website For now, the most important thing is to remember to take your child's drawstring bag and put it somewhere safely at home.  We do also ask that you do not have your child work ahead in the event we don't use all of the FD booklets, we will ask for them to be returned to use in future years.  We appreciate your support and cooperation in making flexible instructional days a successful learning experience for our students.  We look forward to collaborating with you and your child this year and hope that you have a wonderful back to school experience.  Thank you.