

    WHAT: Chieftain Chorus is Tamanend’s large select chorus for 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students.  Students in Chieftain Chorus also have the opportunity to try out for Tamanend’s smaller select chorus, Gold’n’Blues, and other extra singing opportunities.  Chieftain Chorus is named in reference to Tamanend’s namesake, Chief Tamanend.

    WHO: Auditions are open to any Tamanend student enrolled in Band, Chorus or Orchestra class who enjoys singing.

    WHEN: Auditions will be held after school on Tuesday 9/10, Wednesday 9/11,  and Thursday 9/12. You’ll need to sign up for a 5-minute audition slot on one of those days, and plan for a ride home after your audition. Sign-Ups are posted on the white board in the chorus room (201).

    You may stay after school in room 201 until your audition time OR you may leave and come back to school.  However, if you leave, be sure to arrive back about 5-10 minutes before you are scheduled to audition.  The building will be locked, so you may need to wait outside until someone opens the door. You may leave when your audition is complete. 

    If the available slots don’t work for you, please let Mr. Sanchez know - he'll help you work out the issue!

    WHY: Because singing is fun AND cool!  Just ask these people:


    HOW: The first step in the audition process is practicing the audition song, America the Beautiful.  I am looking for talented singers who can sing well in a choral style.  You can choose to sing in the key of F, Ab, C, or Eb for your audition.  If you don’t know which key is best for you, the audition preparation methods offered below should help!

    Here are some ways in which you can prepare for your audition:

    • Students in chorus classes will practice in class.
    • You may use the practice materials HERE on your own time. You will find the song lyrics, video examples of me singing in each possible audition key, and piano-only tracks to practice with.  I will be playing the piano live for your audition, but it will sound very similar to the recorded versions.

    AUDITION CRITERIA: Your audition will be assessed in the following categories: 

    • Tone – Strength of Voice
    • Diction (Vowels)
    • Engagement – Face and body is engaged while singing
    • Musicality – Dynamics, Energy, Feel, Rhythm
    • Control/placement - finding first note
    • Pitch and Intonation (except for obvious passaggio issues)
    • Control – Register transition through passaggio
    • Control – Consistency of tone and volume throughout range
    • Diction (Clarity)
    • Musicality – Phrasing
    • Tone – Quality of Sound
    • Rhythmic Accuracy

    Please note, since this is an audition for a chorus, not a solo opportunity, please sing in a choral style.  Examples of singing in a choral style can be found in each of my videos on the practice material page linked above.  Additionally, here are a couple YouTube links to America the Beautiful choral renditions I like:

     beginning to 1:10 (some great mouth shapes here - watch and learn!).

     (about 2:14 to 3:20) (great HS State Festival Chorus with Band)



    Email Mr. Sanchez with questions



    Current Chieftain Chorus members - we will be using Canvas as a home for all learning materials and important information.  Mr. Sanchez will share a code so you can join the class.  There will only be a limited amount of information on this public page.