Student Leader: Riley Smith (Smith.R037@student.cbsd.org)

    Staff Contact: Mr. Curtis (mcurtis@cbsd.org)




    Being a high schooler today is tough—there is an overwhelming deluge of conflicting advice online, and it is hard to find your own path forward. West’s Peer Pals are here to help! We are a group of seniors who know what you are going through and are ready to give advice and share our experiences with any sophomores or juniors who are stressed, anxious, or just have a few questions. Topics can include, but are not limited to, classes, extra curriculars, SATs/ACTs, and college search/applications.






    Avery Anderson (Anderson.A039@student.cbsd.org)

    My name is Avery Anderson. At West, I’ve focused on taking advanced math and science courses, as well as Spanish, AP Macroeconomics, and some art classes. I played field hockey for 3 years, am in Girls STEM Club, NHS, and Athletes Helping Athletes. I’m still deciding what I want to study in college but am thinking about Cognitive Psychology or Business. A piece of advice I have is to explore electives because West has a lot, and you may find something you love unexpectedly!


    Carolyn Chen (Chen.C0202@student.cbsd.org)

    Hello! I’m Carolyn Chen, and I’ve really enjoyed taking AP English and history classes at West. I also enjoyed cooking and photography, which were very fun electives. At West, I run the newspaper and am involved with a few clubs like West United and Book Club. Outside of school, I’m a big runner, I volunteer at the Doylestown Hospital, and I love to cook in my free time. My best advice would definitely be to get as involved as possible with your extracurricular and sports, because it’s never too late to start and I’ve met some of my best friends outside of the classroom.


    Arden Clem (Clem.A003@student.cbsd.org)

    Hey, my name is Arden Clem. In my last three years at West, I've taken what is probably considered a balanced schedule. At the beginning of my junior year, I decided to pursue a degree in Architecture. It's certainly been an... interesting journey. If anyone has question about careers that blend science and art, I'd be your guy to talk to. As for clubs, I've done STEM club, NHS, frisbee club, and a bit of debate here and there. Advice? Develop GOOD study/organizational habits early on. A great life skill to already have under your belt in high school.


    Molly Cochran (Cochran.M014@student.cbsd.org)

    Hi! My name is Molly Cochran, and I am a senior here at West. Throughout my high school career, I have been in the CBW Harlequin Club as well as the Chamber, Women’s, and Concert choir. I am also a member of the Chinese Honors Society, Thespian honors society, and Tri-M honors society. I intend to major in Design as well as the arts and possibly become a fashion designer, interior designer, or production designer. If you have any questions about how to get involved in the arts here at West, I'm always free to help!


    Lucy Damsker (Damsker.L141@student.cbsd.org)

    My name is Lucy Damsker. At West, I’ve played field hockey and am captain of the varsity team. My favorite classes I’ve taken were AP Euro, APUSH, and Spanish. I was in Girls’ STEM, FBLA, and Cooking for the Community junior year. I’m in the Spanish NHS and National Honors Society. I’m still figuring out my major, but it will probably be business-related! A piece of advice I have is to challenge yourself while you’re in high school. You want to get as much out of it as you can, so you’re prepared for whatever path you take in the future.


    Julia Dee (Dee.J024@student.cbsd.org)

    Hi! My name is Julia Dee! At West I have focused on taking the AP history classes that they offer! I am also in AP Physics which I find extremely interesting. I am in Science Olympiad, Math National Honors Society, Red Cross, and World Affairs club. I played softball for West during my Freshman and Sophmore year. I am not completely sure what I want to major in, but I am considering something with international affairs, sports broadcasting, or elementary education! My number one piece of advice is to pick classes that seem interesting to you and reach out to peers and teachers when you are struggling with content!

    Email Address:


    Madison Erisman (Erisman.M030@student.cbsd.org)

    Hi! I'm Madi. At West, I've taken a lot of English related courses. I really enjoyed Becoming a Better Writer and Journalism. Both of the AP English classes too! I am a cheerleader, and I've done it about ten years now! My best advice is to find something you are passion about and don't be afraid to talk to others!


    Emily Gerstein (Gerstein.E115@student.cbsd.org)

    Hi! My name is Emily Gerstein. I have taken AP classes in many subject areas, but some of my favorites have been AP Biology, AP US History, and AP Calculus. I am a member of National Honor Society and I am the secretary of Science National Honor Society. In college, I am hoping to study biology on a pre-medicine track. Outside of academics, I play softball for West and volunteer at Doylestown Hospital. My biggest piece of advice for everyone is to not be afraid to seek out new opportunities that interest you.


    Abigail Kolbe (Kolbe.A032@student.cbsd.org)

    Hi! My name is Abigail Kolbe—I’m a student-athlete and want to study biomechanical engineering in college. My focus at West has been STEM classes (physics, chem, bio, CS), but I have really enjoyed European History and English Language. My favorite clubs are math NHS, music club, and Science NHS, but most of my time is taken up by running cross-country and track year-round. My #1 piece of advice at West would be to work hard, but not take yourself too seriously. You want to reach your goals, but make time for fun, sleep, and personal hobbies.


    Riya Mallavarapu (Mallavarapu.R081@student.cbsd.org)

    Hi everyone, my name is Riya Mallavarapu. I have taken a variety of classes in subjects that fascinate me, but my favorite class so far is AP bio. I am a part of chamber orchestra, Tri-M music honors society, and the biotechnology partnership program. I also love playing piano and volunteering at the Doylestown hospital. I plan to major in biochemistry and become a cardiologist or neurologist. The biggest lesson I've learned in high school is the importance of having good friends to support you, since these years are filled with a lot of growth, both academically and personally.


    Madelyn Massey (Massey.M077@student.cbsd.org)

    Hi, my name is Madelynn Massey. I absolutely love West and enjoy Science and English. I have taken Honors Chem and am currently taking AP Bio and Honors Physics. I have also taken AP Lang and really enjoyed the class. I am captain of the CBW Cheer Team and am in both the Spanish NHS and Science NHS. I am also in the Girls STEM club and have played an instrument outside of school for 10 years. I want to study Biology or Chemical Biology in college. My number one piece of advice would be to become a part of the school, extra curriculars will not only look good on applications, but they also help you meet new people!


    Maggie Meglio (Megio.M003@student.cbsd.org)

    My name is Maggie Meglio. In my time at West, I have taken a variety of rigorous course across subjects, some of my favorite being Chemistry, AP Psych, AP Stat, AP Lang, and many other core and extracurricular classes. I take part in and am a leader of a multitude of clubs such as Class Council, Campus Captains, Future Business Leaders of American, Key Club, National Honors Society, and National Spanish Honors Society. I hope to study Marketing and Management in college. My number one piece of advice would be to branch out into things that interest you and challenge yourself and the way you think!


    Marieke Neal (Neal.M007@student.cbsd.org)

    Hey gang!!!! I'm Marieke (or Mickey if you prefer). As a certified women in STEM, science is definitely my jam, but I have taken a variety of classes here at West. I love to write and have really enjoyed all three English classes I've had at my time in high school. I am an officer in Music Club (the silliest club of all) and enjoy Book Club, Key Club, and Science Olympiad. In the future, I hope to major in chemistry on a pre-med track, with a minor in something humanities. I would definitely say that an important thing to keep in mind is you have to learn how to fail, not perseverating on it in but looking forward on how you could grow and adjust to do better next time.


    Sarah Neary (Neary.S050@student.cbsd.org)

    My name is Sarah Neary. Over the last two years, I have taken a handful of rigorous classes, but I have enjoyed AP Macroeconomics and Microeconomics the most. I am a Co-Captain of the CBW Mock Trial Club, Secretary of the Senior Class Council, and member of West United and Math Club. I plan to double major in economics and political science with the goal of attending law school after completing my undergraduate degree. A piece of advice I can give sophomores and juniors is to put in effort: if you do not try, then you will not succeed.


    Olivia Pulak (Pulak.O044@student.cbsd.org)

    My name is Liv Pulak. Throughout my education at West, I have found that I love many of our English courses and the variety of electives (including the teachers) I am currently involved in Cash for Cause and West United and enjoy helping out in any way I can. I have taken AP Euro and am in AP Com Sci now. I hope to go to school for Secondary Education English, with a minor in Special Education. One piece of advice I’d like to give is when stressed, take a deep breath. There will always be one person willing to help you, if not, more.


    Raya Rahman (Rahman.R079@student.cbsd.org)

    Hi! My name is Raya Rahman. During at my time at West, my “hardest” classes have been geared towards the math field, but I’ve also taken some other fun classes like Chamber Orchestra and Spanish. A few extracurriculars that I’ve enjoyed at West are Math Club, Cross Country & Track, World Affairs Club (model u.n. & model congress), Key Club, and Student Government! I plan to major in political science along with some major in the math field (currently not sure what yet). My biggest piece of advice to you would be to get involved at West- you’ll never know what you like if you don’t try anything new, so join a few clubs or activities that you’re interested in!


    Tamir Sklansky (Sklansky.T014@student.cbsd.org)

    Hello, I'm Tamir Sklansky. My passion lies within the STEM fields, and I plan to major in mechanical engineering in university. I am in STEM research club, robotics club, Key Club, I'm a tutor, and I work as a robotics teacher. My biggest piece of advice is to never underestimate yourself. Challenge yourself early and expect great things of yourself.


    Riley Smith (Smith.R037@studen.cbsd.org)

    Hello! My name is Riley Smith. At West, I have focused on taking many rigorous stem classes, but I also really enjoyed AP Macroeconomics and my Spanish classes. I am in SAGE (environmental) club, STEM research club, Key Club, and Science and Spanish NHS. I played saxophone in band for two years, and I still do Jazz 2. I hope to study biology in college and ultimately research coral reefs. My number one piece of advice would be to find your passions and focus on them instead of stressing about what you feel like you “have” to do. 


    Rukhshona Suponkulova (Suponkulova.R058@student.cbsd.org)

    My name is Rukhshona. I have taken many honors and AP classes at West, and other electives that correlate to the degree I want. I am in Lemon Club, Student Government Organization, Asian Association Club, and Muslim Association Club. I hope to study finance for my undergrad and go to law school after. My main advice would be that you have a different path than other people, so don’t feel like you have to be just like them to be successful.