• Attendance Policies & Information

    As educators, we recognize that promoting regular school attendance is a key component in the successful growth and development of all students.  To maximize student learning, we ask that you be mindful of our district attendance policy and school procedures.  The Compulsory Attendance Law in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania requires that an absence excuse submitted by the parent or guardian be on file for every day of the student’s absence. 

    有料盒子d attendance reporting procedures: 

    Click here for instructions on how to use the portal to report an absence.

    Parents and guardians can still call the attendance line at 267-893-2720 to report an absence.  Emails will no longer be accepted.

    The school must have documentation within 3 days of an absence.  Students with 3 or more unexcused absences may be required to have a SAIP (Student Attendance Intervention Plan) meeting with parents/guardians, counselors, and administration.

    PARENT SUPPORT:  Attendance is an extremely important responsibility for a school.  We do ask for parents’ assistance in terms of notifying the office for absences and when students leave early.  Please do not contact students directly via cell phone/text message.  Students are only allowed to use these devices for instructional purposes and only allowed in class as directed by the teacher.  If there is an issue that is more delicate in nature, please do not hesitate to contact the guidance office or administration.

    What is the new state attendance policy? Under the new law, truancy is defined as a student who has had 3 or more days of unexcused absence during the current school year.  We are required to run attendance reports to ensure students are meeting this requirement.  If students have 3 or more unexcused absences from school, the school will notify parents in writing and offer a School Attendance Improvement Conference where school staff, parents, and students can work together to create a collaborative plan to address and remedy attendance issues.

    What if my child has an appointment during the school day?  Please use the portal to report times when your child may be arriving late or leaving early. When picking your child up from school, please park in a visitor spot and have your ID ready when you come to the front doors of the building.  Please make sure to communicate the absence in advance to avoid having to call into classrooms during instructional time.

    What is an excused absence?  According to State Law, an excused absence includes: religious holiday, illness, death in the family, educational trips and family vacation (up to 5 days) approved by administration.

    What is a tardy?  A tardy is when a student is late to class or to homeroom.  Students are required to be in 1st period by 7:30. Traffic is heavy on Holicong Road in the morning due to the buses and car line. We suggest that you get in the car line no later than 7:15 to ensure that your student arrives on time.

    What if we have a family vacation?  Students are allotted five days per year for family travel.  Parents please use parent portal to request vacation day(s) three days prior to the absence for family travel so the student can obtain work from his/her teachers and the absence will need to be approved by administration. 

    What is excessive absenteeism?  This is defined as students missing greater than 10% of the school year to date at any point in the school year.  If parents are aware of any medical or other issues that would cause a student to miss excessive days, we ask you contact guidance or administration in advance.  If attendance continues to be an issue, we do follow the state and district truancy procedures.

    How long does the student need to be present to participate in extra curricular activities that day?  A student must be present in school for at least half of the school day.

    What dates should we avoid taking vacation?  We realize that sometimes planned absences during the year must occur, but we do ask our parents and students to review the district calendar () to avoid planning vacations in the five days at the beginning and end of each marking period and during state testing, if possible.