• Business Computer Applications

    5163 (9 weeks, .5 credit)
    Recommended 10-11-12 grade
    This course focuses on database and spreadsheet computer application software in business and in daily life. Students will analyze and construct databases that can be sorted and queried in multiple ways. Database concepts such as layouts, architecture, security, relational capability, reliability, and management will be explored actively while using software (MS Access). Ethical implications of the use of databases will be discussed. The ability of spreadsheets to properly describe numeric information, show trends, and assist in making future decisions is a key to financial success. Spreadsheet concepts, such as types of tables, formula accuracy, macros, modeling, security, and charts, will be explored actively while using software (MS Excel). The course content will also include integration and presentation of spreadsheet and database information. This course will help you to compete effectively in college, as well as in the job market.