• Fundraising


    Cold Spring Elementary 有料盒子 & School works hard to enrich the educational and social experience of our students by supporting our teachers in the classroom and connecting families within our school community. We are successful in this endeavor due to the success of our fundraising efforts each year, supported by our wonderful parent volunteers and the amazing generosity of our Cold Spring community.


    The 2022/23 school year was a busy year for fundraising as we worked towards an ambitious goal to raise funds over the next two years to build our very own multi-purpose outdoor classroom at Cold Spring.


    Our calendar included a mix of events, which kicked off with an apparel sale and our Square 1 Art fundraising project, our annual Family Bingo and Spring Fair events plus many other smaller fundraisers. All funds raised go directly towards supporting HSA funded activities and initiatives at our school, with surplus funds for the year going into our Outdoor Classroom fund.


    We are so thrilled that at the beginning of the 2023/24 school year, we are able to make a deposit payment of approximately $75,000 to start this project. Planning and permits will begin in the summer, and work is scheduled to commence over the Fall of 2023. Reaching this goal has taken a tremendous effort on the part of the HSA along with the support of our Principal, teachers and our families. 


    We are always looking for new fundraising opportunities. If you have an idea that you would like to share, please email coldspringhsa@gmail.com