• Earn while you shop


    Supporting our passive fundraisers is one of the easiest ways to support our HSA all year long. Just sign up and register our school to any of the fundraisers and you can begin to earn money for our school every time you shop without any extra cost to you. It may seem like a small contribution each time, but all of these small donations add up over the course of the year and make a big difference to how we can support the teachers and students in our classrooms.

    Please feel free to pass these links on to friends and family so they can get involved too.


    Box Tops

    Box tops

    No more clipping Box Tops!

    Simply download the Box Tops app onto your phone and scan your grocery store receipt within 14 days of purchase. The app will automatically find eligible products and instantly add Box Tops to our schools earnings online. Box Tops can be found on many household brands like Betty Crocker, Annie’s, Pilsbury, General Mills, Hefty to name a few.




    Every time you shop at Weis Markets, you can earn money for our school. Register your Weis Club Card and scan our school’s unique bar code to get started. Once you have registered, you’re enrolled in the program and don’t need to scan the code again.

    Click to find out more