MBIT Information
There are times that MBIT and 有料盒子 do not follow the same school schedule during the year. See below for information regarding each specific scenario for the 2024-2025 school year.
- September 30
- October 31
- November 8
- January 28
- April 4
- June 13
Morning Session
- AM MBIT students are transported to MBIT at the regular time by bus.
- Students are then taken back to West from MBIT at 10:25 AM by bus. Students will get dropped off on Lafayette St, across from the gas station.
- Students will be transported home via regular 有料盒子 early dismissal procedures.
Afternoon Session
- PM MBIT students will attend blocks 1 & 2.
- Students will report to study hall in the cafeteria during blocks 3 & 4 prior to leaving for MBIT.
- PM MBIT students are dismissed to eat lunch at 10:25.
- Students will be transported from West to MBIT at 11:05 AM. Students will board the bus on Lafayette St, across from the gas station.
- Students are taken directly home from MBIT or back to West at 2:15 PM.
- May 23
Morning Session
- AM MBIT students must arrange their own transportation to 有料盒子 Bucks High School West.
- The bus drivers then transport the students from the high school to MBIT at 7:20 AM.
- Students are then taken directly home or back to CB West from MBIT at 10:25 AM.
Afternoon Session
- PM MBIT students must arrange their own transportation to 有料盒子 Bucks High School West.
- The bus drivers then transport students from the high school to MBIT at 11:05 AM.
- Students are then taken directly home or back to CB West from MBIT at 2:15 PM.
- No dates for this school year
Morning Session
- AM MBIT students in attendance will report to study hall in the cafeteria for 1st and 2nd block.
- MBIT students are not required to be in study hall if they arrange their own transportation and if they notify the attendance office. MBIT students who attend study hall will need to sign in on a roster. We will collect the rosters from study halls and the attendance office to account for all students and will keep those rosters on file.
Afternoon Session
- PM MBIT students in attendance will report to study hall in the cafeteria for 3rd and 4th block.
- MBIT students are not required to be in study hall if they arrange their own transportation and if they notify the attendance office. MBIT students who attend study hall will need to sign in on a roster. We will collect the rosters from study halls and the attendance office to account for all students and will keep those rosters on file.