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    AM Session MBIT Students:

    Students arrive to CB West in the morning via regular district transportation. AM session MBIT students then must board the MBIT bus each morning by 7:20 AM. There are two MBIT buses located at the end of MacFarlane Lane near Memorial Drive.


    At the conclusion of MBIT, AM session students will be dropped off at CB West near the Cafeteria. Students will enter at the MacFarlane Lane entrance near the cafeteria/security office even if they do not ride the bus. Students will go directly to the cafeteria to sign in with their advisory teacher before heading to Lunch and Learn.


    PM Session MBIT Students:

    PM Session MBIT students will attend Lunch 1/Learn 1 before leaving West.  Students should report to the bus at 11:00 AM for dismissal from MacFarlane Lane. The PM MBIT buses return to CB West by 2:30 PM for dismissal.  Students then board their regular bus to be transported home.