The following list contains some of the most frequently asked questions about CB West from parents and students.  If you have a question that you would like us to add to this list, please email it to the principal, Mr. Lyndell Davis ldavis@cbsd.org, so that we may review it.  Please note that CB West students are responsible for following all policies and procedures outlined in the .


    What is the regular bell schedule at CB West?

    There are four blocks per day.  Blocks are 83 minutes long, with a 10-minute advisory.  Lunch and Learn is one hour long, and provides students the opportunity to eat, engage in social activities, decompress, and/or seek out help/enrichment from teachers.

    You can find the  

    What is Lunch and Learn?

    Lunch and learn will provide all students with a 1-hour period during the day where they are able to eat, relax, socialize, access extra help or enrichment as scheduled with a teacher, and/or access various activities.  All areas will be supervised by staff and administration. Lunch and Learn / Lunch and Learn 有料盒子 Page (cbsd.org) 

    When are student class schedules available?

    Typically, student schedules are available via Portal the third week of August. 

    Is there a supply list for students at CB West?

    No, but students should come to the first day of classes with something to write with, something to write on, and a folder to organize handouts.  Individual teachers may suggest specific materials once classes begin.  Physical Education teachers will explain expectations for appropriate attire for PE courses on the first day of classes.

    Are students issued uniforms for Physical Education classes at CB West?

    No, the Physical Education Teachers will explain appropriate PE class attire on the first day of class.

    Are all students assigned a locker?

    Only students in specialized special education programs at CB West will be assigned a locker.  If needed, any student may request a locker with Mrs. Bertman rbertman@cbsd.org in the 11th & 12th grade house office.

    Are there any summer assignments for students?

    The summer AP assignments can be found on West's Main Page and in the Student section of our website.

    Is there a new orientation for sophomores and new juniors and seniors entering CB West?

    Yes, we hold "10th Grade Orientation and Welcome to West" Day each August.  Students will have the opportunity to hear general information about school, find their classes, and meet classmates. 

    How do I access the Portal for the first time?

    Parents can access the Portal for the first time by visiting the following link: /Page/26932

    Are students permitted to drop classes?

    Students may not drop classes unless the request fulfills the conditions in the .  Changes in courses will only be honored under one of the following circumstances:

    1. Failure to meet course pre-requisite.
    2. Level change verified by teacher and approved by building principal.

    How do I report an absence for my student?

    Parents and guardians will be able to submit absence requests via the Parent Portal. Parents can request a full day absence, early dismissal, or late arrival. Absence requests will be reviewed by School Attendance Staff and approved or denied. Requests made using the Parent Portal will also serve as the excuse for the absence. Parents will not be required to submit an excuse either electronic or writtenAdditional attendance information may be found in the  and on our attendance webpage.

    What are the procedures if my child has to leave school early for an appointment?

    On the day of the appointment, the student must report to the Attendance Office and present a note explaining the reason for leaving school.  If permission is granted, a pass will be given to the student.  The student will show a pass to the teacher and should report to the Attendance Office to sign out of the building. The attendance office must have a confirmation phone call from the parent or guardian in order for the student to be released from school. When returning from the appointment, the student must sign in at the Attendance Office before returning to class. For more information, please review the .

    What are the procedures if my family is going on vacation?

     allows for up to five days for approved family travel.  If a student must miss school days for a family vacation, please utilize that option through the Parent Portal.  The school attendance office will contact you if any additional information is required.

    What if a student arrives late to school?

    The student should report directly to the Attendance Office to receive a pass.  The Attendance Office will issue an excused pass if the student has an acceptable excuse note.  The Attendance office will issue an unexcused pass if the student does not have an acceptable excuse note.  If a student arrives late to school for a legitimate reason, but fails to bring a note, they must submit it to the Attendance Office within three school days. 

    What is the Success Plan?

    The Success Plan is a three-year process that helps students explore potential career interests and conceptualize the steps necessary to pursue them.  The Success Plan is part of the Performance Assessment graduation requirement.  During sophomore year, students complete interest inventories through Naviance in their advisory classes.  In junior year, students complete career or college essay in their English classes.  In senior year, students create a resume and job application through Naviance in their advisory classes.

    What is Naviance?

    Naviance is an online tool that students use to assist them in career exploration and college planning.  Students also use Naviance to complete their Success Plan.  Tutorials are provided by counselors, Advisors, and through online help in Naviance.  Students can log onto Naviance through Class Link.   

    Are electronic nicotine delivery devices (i.e. vapes, e-cigs) permitted on school property?

    No, electronic nicotine delivery devices are prohibited as per .

    What is the house system?

    CB West is organized by the house system.  Each grade level is organized into a house with a house principal, guidance counselors, class advisors, and advisory teachers.  Students remain with the same house team for all three years at CB West.

    What is advisory?

    Advisory is a period of time between second and third blocks during which students meet with their advisors to receive important school-related information, develop positive relationships with peers, and discuss important topics of interest to young people. Advisory is 10-minutes long. Occasionally, there will be extended advisories with a modified bell schedule.

    Who should I contact if my student needs assistance?

    It is best to contact the teacher directly to discuss classroom issues.  Additionally, parents may contact their student’s guidance counselor or house principal.  In addition, peer tutoring is offered Tuesdays from 2:30 to 3:30 in the library.

    How do students serve detentions?

    Detention is held daily from 2:30-4:30pm.  Students have five school days from the date of issue to serve the detention.  Students must bring work and may not use electronic devices.  For more information, contact the safety and security office or a house principal.

    Does my student have to take the Keystone Exams?

    The Pennsylvania Department of Education graduation requirements related to Keystone Exams will require students in the class of 2022 to reach proficiency on each of the three Keystone Exams (Literature, Algebra 1, and Biology) or satisfy one of the other state-indicated graduation pathways. Please visit the  webpage for more information or for study resources.

    How do students get working papers?

    Students may access the application online and bring supporting documents (showing birth date of student) to school OR they may visit the CB West Receptionist who will provide them with a copy of the application. For Students / Work Permit Application (cbsd.org) During summer months, please visit the Main Office for working papers.

    May my student park at CB West?

    Juniors and Seniors may apply for a parking spot using the application process posted here.  Please read the materials carefully and direct any questions to the Safety and Security Office at CB West. All obligations must be cleared in order to receive and maintain a parking spot.

    Are students permitted to park vehicles off campus?

    Students are permitted to park vehicles off campus provided that they follow all applicable local rules and regulations.  Students who park on the streets near CB West must register their vehicles with the Security Office. Registration forms are located in the security office and on the CB West Website.  Students are not permitted to park on private property or at local businesses. The Doylestown YMCA's parking lot may not be used by CB West students during school hours.

    What is the procedure for dropping off medicine?

    Parents or students may drop off medicine at the Nurse’s office.  Please click on the following link to access the .

    Where do students find out information regarding standardized tests?

    The Student Services Department will provide information, through email, newsletters, and information sessions, explaining important standardized tests such as PSATs, SATs, ACTs, and others. Parents of Sophomores should be aware that PSATs are typically offered in October and registration occurs in September.  The following link to the Guidance Department website has more detailed information related to standardized testing: /Page/1002   

    Where do students find out information regarding the college application process?

    The Student Services Department works closely with the house teams and advisory teachers to explain the college application process to students and parents.  The following link to the Guidance Department website has a variety of resources to help students and parents with the college application process:

    Where do students find out information related to MBIT (Middle Bucks Institute of Technology)?

    Students who attend MBIT are enrolled in MBIT-specific advisories and receive information from their advisors.  In addition, MBIT-specific information is posted on the bulletin board outside of the Security Office. Additional information may be found here: /domain/4226

    How do students register to participate in Athletics?

    The following link to the Athletic Department webpage explains the procedures for athletic participation:

    How do students get involved in Student Activities?

    CB West has a wide array of clubs and organizations.  The complete listing is found at the following link: Activities Directory.  In addition, each September, we hold a Student Activities Fair to provide additional information to students.

    How does a student access their report card?

    Reports will be available via Portal.  We will post the dates for report cards on our CB West calendar when they are available and will include information in our newsletters.

    When does West hold Back to School Night?

    There are two Back to School Nights at CB West.  One occurs in September for the Fall semester and one occurs in February for the Spring semester.  Typically, Back to School Nights begin with a brief presentation in advisory from the administration as well as the student’s advisor.  The dates for the 2023-2024 school year are as follows: September 7th (Fall Semester) and February 8th.  Specific information will be posted on the West website and is also sent out via email blast to parents.

    Is there a parent group at CB West?

    Yes, Parent Council is a group that is open to all CB West parents and meets periodically with the administration to discuss important issues.  For the 2023-2024 school year, meetings are scheduled for the following Wednesdays in the Tower Room off of the Main Lobby, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and concluding at 10:30 a.m.: September 21, October 19, November 16, January 18, February 15, March 15, and April 19.


    The list contains some of the most frequently asked questions about CB West from parents and students.  If you have a question that you would like us to add to this list, please email it to Principal Mr. Lyndell Davis ldavis@cbsd.org so that we may review it.  Please note that CB West students are responsible for following all policies and procedures outlined in the .